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«Мои братья 54 серия » смотреть в HD 720 качестве.
It is an advanced teamspeak voice changer. It uses audio and speech recognition to make it possible to change your voice without being audible. You can change your voice without using teamspeak characters, and without a server restart.

TeamSpeak 3.5 or higher required.

Information for Media and Games Developers

License : GNU General Public License

Permissions: You can use this script to create your media and games. You must credit Crazy Voices as the author and link to this page in your game's credits (not in the readme). You must also include a link to the Crazy Voices website in your game (not the download page). If you use this script in your media, you must include the following notice in the metadata:

License:GNU General Public License (GPL)

Permissions:You are permitted to:

Use and modify the script and source code

Reproduce and distribute the modified source code

Distribute your modifications (with no fee)

To modify the script or change your name in the script, you must register the project with GitHub. You are required to do this for all public projects on GitHub. You must make your username public and must have it linked to your GitHub account. Your username may not contain the @ symbol.

If you publish or distribute a modified version of this project, you must remove the author and link to Crazy Voices from your source code and credit Crazy Voices. You must also add a note in the metadata to your source file stating the changes you made.

Crazy Voices cannot be considered as a competitor of the Crazy Voices plugin and must not be confused with it.

Note for iOS Developers: Crazy Voices is not compatible with iOS 12. Please use Crazy Voices 3.2, or better, or use another voice changer if possible.

Keyboard shortcuts

Use these keyboard shortcuts to switch the voices. Use these shortcuts to activate the voices in your inventory and to open your voice changer menu.

The script allows you to change the voice, either using the voice changer menu or your inventory.

If the script detects a voice changer plugin in your inventory, the voice changer menu will be disabled.

To add a voice changer plugin in your inventory, add the plugin to your inventory and activate it.

In your inventory, the plugin will appear as a button which will be always active.

Note that Crazy Voices cannot be 4f8c9c8613 veetwaj

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Mensagem neste Tópico
RE: «Мои братья 54 серия » смотреть в HD 720 качестве. - por WilliamKeeli - 05-28-2022, 05:30 PM

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